Everything You Need to Know Before Going for a Rhizotomy

 Are you suffering from long term chronic back pain and it feels like an eternal suffering. Now is the time to step out of that discomfort and go for an smart cure. You can opt for a Neurosurgery called Dorsal rhizotomy which involves irradiating of problem causing Spinal cord nerve roots.  This can be relieving to chronic back pain and muscle contractions. This procedure is very much effective. By preventing the sensory nerves at the spinal joint, facet rhizotomy can deliver long term relief for spinal joint pain. You do not have to bear with the chronic pain anymore.

Change in lifestyle and pandemic cause immobility in most of the New york people. If you are visiting an orthopedic doctor in Staten Island, New york for your newly occurred back pain, you should know about endoscopic rhizotomy and how it is beneficial to you.

Read this blog to know about it more.

What is Endoscopic Rhizotomy?

The term "rhizotomy" means "nerve destruction," and endoscopic facet rhizotomy Neurosurgery uses heat energy to destroy little nerve fibers that transmit pain signals from the facet joints to the brain. The method only needs a tiny incision (compared to conventional"open" surgery) and can provide vital neck or lower back pain relief without disordering the structure of the spine. There are ingenious orthopedic surgeon in staten island in NY for this surgery.

This short surgery requires the usage of a local anesthetic, x-ray supervision and direct insider view by a microscopic camera to supervise an electrocautery device to crush nerves supplying sensation to damaged facet joints.

Do you know, the success rate of endoscopic facet rhizotomy in removing chronic back pain is 70-80%. It will eliminate your spinal pain for a year or more after that your nerve will regenerate and you will start to feeling pain again. You can always repeat this surgery after that as it’s not conventional open surgeries. This method exceeds the older spinal nerve ablation operation by giving a more dependable, longer-lasting pain control option. Consult a professional back specialist in Staten Island, New york. Anagenesis spine is one stop solution for your Back and joints pain.

Recovering from a Endoscopic Rhizotomy

After a successful Endoscopic rhizotomy, patients can go back to their respected work places  and normal day to day activities, but you should not perform any vigorous activity or heavy weight lifting for few days. You can take shower but you can’t go for a swim or taking hot tub bath for next 24 hours after the Neurosurgery has done.

Few patients encounter moderate discomfort, bruising, soreness, or swelling after an endoscopic rhizotomy. The pain may persist for a few days to up to a couple of weeks. You can always apply an ice pack a counter pain reliever according to the requirement.

Patients who have had a rhizotomy can presume their past pain levels to develop gradually after the surgery has done. Complete recovery and maximum pain relief may take a couple of weeks.

Endoscopic Rhizotomy is a reliable remedy for your back pain. Side effects and complications are minimal. If you do encounter any of these symptoms, consult your doctor:

  • Any sort of Dizziness or deficiency.
  • If you’re having Fever, Chills, Nausea, or Vomiting.
  • Soreness, Swelling, Bleeding, or Leaking at the injection site.
  • If the Numbness that lasts for more than 2 or 3 hours.

Always consult a Professional surgeon in Newyork for your Rhizotomy to ease up your chronic back pain. The spine specialist at Anagenesis Spine to help you.


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